
A day at the beach - Nov. 29, 2009

Laguna Beach - and not a cloud in the sky!

Riverside, CA

The historic Riverside Mission Inn does a spectacular job of creating a Christmas wonderland every year -- we thoroughly enjoyed participating in the sights and sounds on a beautiful moonlit night with palm trees gently swaying in the night sky!

Riverside, CA

Cinderella's coach!

The Mission Inn takes up a whole block....and even the backside of the Inn is lit up for our enjoyment!

Riverside, CA

Inside the Mission Inn

Dave & Pam and Dave's Dad

Pam looks forward to this gingerbread treat every year!! At least I think there is gingerbread underneath all that whipped cream!

Riverside, CA

Some Christmas fun at the Riverside Festival of the Trees.....

Gordon & Linda

Rick & Betty

Betty & Linda with St. Nick

Nancy & Linda--I THINK they knew him!

and then there is Bruce---looking very wise!

Riverside, CA

A busy day in the kitchen with lots of helping hands...
and so much to be thankful for!

Riverside, CA

Higgins enjoying a relaxing day by the pool....
Dakota and Higgins -- good friends!

Riverside, CA

Thank you Gordon and Linda for letting us hang out in your beautiful setting!!

Cold Springs Tavern

A delightful 'old time' stagecoach stop nestled in the mountains above Santa Barbara
They serve elegant lunches and dinners in a cozy setting!